Weight Loss Tracker

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Feeling Great...

It's been eight weeks since my surgery and I am down 40 pounds and I feel GREAT!  David and I have started water aerobics 2-3 times a week and it is amazing how much better I feel.  The weather is getting warmer and yesterday after lunch, I went walking and walked a mile without thinking about it.  It has been so long since I have felt like being active (umm, maybe 10 years ago).  I just realized today that I can eat a SALAD.  I have missed being able to eat a salad the most, now I have to decide where my first salad should come from... hmmmm.  Any suggestions?

11 more days until the cruise... I am so excited!  I am looking forward to spending some time with my husband with no computers or distractions.  (I told David he can't take his laptop because I know he'll play games the entire trip and so he told me I can't take a book).  We will be creative in finding other activities to keep us entertained!


  1. YAY!! You posted! I was beginning to wonder about you! I am so glad you are doing well!! I'm so proud of you, Mommy!! You guys are going to have a BLAST on the cruise! I am sure you won't have a problem finding ways to occupy your time! Have a good time together!

  2. Your first salad should be one you make yourself! I love eating at home now and cooking things - I know what's in it and how it's prepared and how many proteins are in things. Enjoy your salad!
