Okay, I guess an update is in order here. I am finally down to 220, which isn't great, but it is okay for me. I don't even remember what I weighed four months ago? I am not doing as great as some people (Nick and Ang), but hey, I am 20 years older and my body is more "settled" than theirs. I think I am back to a lot of old habits, which doesn't help with the weight loss.
On August 24th I was rear-ending by a drunk driver at 7:45 AM. I was going from one Lilly's building to another building in a company's car and was sitting at a red light when at car traveling between 35-40 miles a hour plowed into the back of me, the moving force caused me to hit the car to my right and the car in front of me. I called my boss to let him know I had been in an accident and when he asked where I was, I couldn't tell him. I had no idea where I was. I tried to read the street sign and realized my glasses has been knocked off my face, so I found my glasses and was able to read the signs to figure out where I was. A little scary since I am on that road almost everyday.
A neck brace was put around my neck and I was lifted out of the car and onto the stretcher and was taken to the hospital. While enroute I was talking to David and he told me not to let the ambulance driver take me to Wishard, so I decided I wanted to go to St. Francis South (closer to home).
While I was in the ambulance, an EMS personnel guy told me the drive of the car was being taken to jail. Who is drunk at 7:45 AM? Had he been drinking all night, or just getting an early start?
When I got to the hospital and was waiting to be wheeled to an emergency room, the ambulance driver asked me what ward I was in. I acted like I didn't hear him and asked him to repeat the question, he once again asked me what ward I was in... he said when they were checking my stomach for injury he saw my garments and knew I was a member of the church. I laughed and told him the 1st ward, he then told me he was in the Franklin ward. We had a nice chat and I realized that my garments are a protection to my body. All of a sudden I realized how well Heavenly Father knows me. I was having a very overwhelming week and I had so many more things I had to do that week, I had a feeling of peace come over me and I knew that I just needed to take it easy and rest.
X-rays were taken of my knee and back (my knee hit the dashboard, but my seat belt did a great job of holding me in place so I wouldn't go through the windshield. I was given a pain pill and was told the next few days would be the worse. I called Staples (my part-time job) and told them I wouldn't be in for a while.
I went to the Employee Health Services (EHS) doctor on Friday and he asked me to walk up and down the hallway and then he sent me back to work. ?????? I went to work, closed some work orders and checked some equipment into the Lab and started feeling very bad, so I told my Team Lead I needed to go home. I saw the Doctor again the following Tuesday and told him I was having pain in my neck, back and down my leg so he told me to take off work for a week. Now, I was finally getting to rest! I was also off from the part-time job and just spent the day resting and having lunch with my folks. It was great!
A week later I was back to work and have started physical therapy twice a week. I am feeling better, but it will take time for my muscles and soft tissue to heal. I still can't work my part-time job, I tried it last Monday and after standing for seven hours I thought I was going to die, so the Doctor said not to go back there for two more weeks (remember, this is a LILLY doctor, so he really doesn't care about my part-time job and I don't get workmans comp from the part-time job because they say the two jobs aren't similar) Anyways, I think I have a lot of questions for an attorney.
Well, that's the update of my world.... Maybe I shouldn't wait so long in between post.
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