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Monday, November 8, 2010

Thankful for.... Grandchildren

I am combinding yesterday's post with today... I am so thankful for my grandchildren and David's grandchildren (whom I consider to be my grandchildren as well).  Yesterday we celebrated Makayla Marie's 4th birthday and she loves her Ma Bev.  She is always so excited to see me and she loves to spend the night at my house and sleep with me (and Speck).  I had to sit next to her at her birthday party and her parents set it up so I would be the one who got her favorite present for her birthday, making me the hero (thanks Jenny and Jake).

This morning at 7:00 am, I got a call from Makayla asking me to be the guest at her pre-school Thanksgiving luncheon where each child can invite one "special" guest.  She wants ME to be her "special" guest.  I believe we have another chance with our grandchildren  that we missed with our own children.   They are our "second" chance, I do hope I get it all right this time around, if not, I guess I have my great-grandchildren to look forward to.


  1. Awww! I am so glad Makayla loves you so much! By the way, I think you did ok with us. Love YOU!

  2. I think I did super with you, Jake and Chris. As a parent you have a lot of insercuities and you always wish you would have been better, or smarter, or more attentive, or more patient, or been around more. As a grandparent, you have "experience" and more wisdom, or atleast you know the children will turn out great if you just do the best you can... Love YOU~
