Weight Loss Tracker

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Thankful For....

I am going to join a few of my friends and post each day what I am most Thankful for (please join in on the fun).

Today I am Thankful for my job... I know a lot of people are un-employed or under-employed.  It's not fun worrying about money and feeding your family.  I love the counsel our Prophets through the ages have given to us... that is, to get out of debt (which I am truly working on) and to store food.  It has always made sense to me, to store something back for a rainy day.  If you only buy a few extra items each week, it really doesn't affect your budget that much.

I will continue to pray for my friends and family looking for a job or a better job to meet their financial needs.

Have a great day!

(Oh by the way.... Angela's surgery is just two weeks away)

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Mommy! I love your new blog! I am thankful everyday for YOU! Love you!!
